
Silvina Henriquez, MA
SILVINA HENRIQUEZ, M.A. is a Licensed Psychologist in Buenos Aires, Argentina who is certified as a Bioenergetic Therapist with the Florida Society for Bioenergetic Analysis. She has been an International Ontological Coach for Newfield Consulting in Argentina for over five years and is the Director of Newfield Consulting in Argentina. Silvina has an active private Bioenergetic practice emphasizing strong contactful body work helping clients find their strengths and internal rescources. Silvina has worked coaching clients in South America, Europe, Mexico, and the United States. She is the co-director of Escuela de Bioenergética, a school for the Bioenergetics School in Argentina.

Laurie Ure, LICSW, CBT
LAURIE URE, LICSW, CBT, a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and Certified Bioenergetic Therapist brings over 25 years of experience with Bioenergetic Analysis, to her psychotherapy practice. She combines compassion and respect with clear guidance in helping people. In addition to work with individuals, she leads Bioenergetic Therapy workshops and trains Bioenergetic Therapists in the United States and internationally.Her professional experience includes Cape Ann Medical Center, North Shore Elder Services, Cape Ann Families, and the Mental Health Center of Greater Cape Ann. She has taught at The Family Practice Medical Residency Program, Salem State College School of Social Work, North Shore Aids Health Project, and The Babson Women’s Health Center. She completed a 5 year training program through the Massachusetts Society of Bioenergetic Analysis in Cambridge and has studied with Alexander Lowen, founder of Bioenergetic Analysis, along with many other masters in the field.

Ana Murillo
ANA MURILLO is a Senior Business Ontological Coach and since 1993, she has been dedicated to Ontological Coaching for Executive Development High Performance Teams and Ontological Coaching Training. Additionally, she was co-founder and Managing Director of Newfield Consulting, Spain. She was certified as a Bioenergetics Therapist, FSBA, in 2012 and a Bioenergetics International Trainer, FSBA, in 2013. Currently living in Buenos Aires, she is the Academical Coordinator in the Bioenergetics School in Argentina, where she also maintains her private practice in Bioenergetics Therapy.

Alberto Wang, MA
ALBERTO WANG, MA, is currently a professor of Advanced International Coaching, in Newfield in Argentina and also co-directs the School of Bioenergetics of Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile, FSBA. Alberto has been involved with Bioenergetics since 1986, when he trained with Dr. Alexander Lowen in New York. Since becoming a Bioenergetics International Trainer, FSBA, 2012, he has traveled several continents offering training to numerous bioenergetic trainees and executive coaches. His background includes a degree in music composition in addition to extensive training in the field of psychotherapy.

Scott Winfield, L.C.S.W., CBT
New FSBA Director of Training and Clinical Coordination
SCOTT WINFIELD, L.C.S.W. CBT began his formal studies in Psychology in 1974 in the State University of New York at New Platz. In 1978 he began his studies of the work of Wilhelm Reich and Alexander Lowen with Anthony Rullo CBT and Bernard Rosenblum MD., Orgonomist. !n 1979 he Co-founded the Woodstock Bioenergetic Association providing psychotherapy services and presentations to the public. In 1988 he moved to South Florida where he completed formal institute training in both Bioenergetic Analysis and Psychoanalysis. He has been teaching and presenting on the role of the body in psychotherapy and other topics nationally and internationally for decades. Scott has through the years, created many innovative programs for the treatments of psychotics, adolescents and adult populations in addition to his private practice and supervision services to other therapists. He was recently named Director of the Florida Society for Bioenergetic Analysis after the death of his long time friend and colleague Robert Glazer, PhD.

ROBERT (Bob) GLAZER, Ph.D. passed away April 22, 2015. For decades, he had been deeply committed to Bioenergetics, his clients, Alexander Lowen and all the professionals and trainees participating in FSBA, which he founded in 1979. His commitment and years of hard and dedicated work created an environment in which people from all over the world still come to learn Bioenergetics. He is greatly missed by a very large circle of those whom he dearly loved and who also loved him. Hundreds of people’s lives have been transformed by his caring, effervescent and pure style of Bioenergetic therapy and the training programs he directed. Many heart piercing emotions and touching memories have been expressed about Bob. If you have thoughts to share or would like to read what others have written, please be a part of creating Bob’s memorial website at:

Grzegorz Byczek
Dobrze pamiętam pierwszą przeczytaną książkę Alexandra Lowena, swoje poruszenie i głębokie przeświadczenie o słuszności jego spojrzenia na człowieka. Później potwierdziło to doświadczenie własne w Analizie Bioenergetycznej. Zwrócenie uwagi na rzeczywistość ciała, wsłuchanie się w jego komunikaty, integrowanie ciała z bogactwem uczuć i myśli, okazało się fascynującą przygodą. Wierzę, że życie to ciągła pulsacja wprawiającą wszystko w ruch. Poddanie się ruchowi ciała otwiera nas na zmianę. Zmiana przeżyta w prawdzie z towarzyszącymi jej emocjami, połączona ze zrozumieniem jej procesu, musi być dobra. W swojej pracy jako terapeuta chcę towarzyszyć w drodze zmiany. Pragnę pomagać kobietom i mężczyznom w rozbudzaniu swojej witalności i energii życiowej, ułatwiać akceptację i zrozumienie dla swoich stanów i przeżyć, wspierać poszukiwania przyjemności w byciu sobą.
Z wykształcenia jestem psychologiem oraz trenerem grupowym. Od roku 2013 uczestniczę w czteroletnim szkoleniu z zakresu pracy z ciałem akredytowanym przez Florida Society Bioenergetics Analysys.

Marzena Barszcz
tel: 605 851 807